Brother Morgan Muse is a 5 year professional MBA candidate with a minor in Computer Science, and is a Spring 2023 initiate of the Alpha Iota class into the Omega Xi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity, Incorporated (AKPsi). Brother Muse has been a member of AKPsi for a little less than one academic year before being appointed into her current position as Secretary. Brother Muse is driven by her short-term goals of successfully completing her summer 2024 internship with P&G and obtaining her master’s in business administration within the next year and going to an ivy league university to pursue her master’s in computer science. She later plans to work within the gaming industry before she seeks to receive her Jurors Doctorate to become an internet attorney to create provisions against AI and machine learning. Brother Muse is passionate about music—as she enjoys singing—natural hair, and coding.